Jameliah Buyser

Hi Sir Richard, at first I thought you were just like the other teachers in my school. I thought you would be hard, terror, and compulsive in teaching. But of course, that was just my first impression. Cause, the fact that you push us to be good in your subject is kinda make us pressures in some way.

But at some point, I’ve realized that you’re just a compassionate teacher who loves pushing students to learn in their chosen field. I can still remember, that I was so afraid to talk every time we had an online class, cause I didn’t know the answer or I might know the answer but I was so shy.

Then OJT came, that was the time that I got the chance to know you more and prove myself wrong about my first impression of you. OJT made me know you better sir, and there, I found out how good your heart is, you are so pure. You have a good sight in teaching.

Not because of your hardship, we wouldn’t learn. You make a major difference in our lives, I don’t know how good I have been as your student but I can say that you have been the best teacher. So please continue helping students strive for their goals.
